Custom Prescription Bifocal lenses
Includes – Custom Prescription Bifocal lenses that can be fitted to any mask plus the extra express shipping costs.
Here at Dive Gear Australia we understand that scuba diving is an exciting visual experience and poor vision limits the enjoyment of the whole experience.
We can now acquire a dive mask fitted with your exact prescription. All you need to do is pick a mask or bring your existing mask in with your latest prescription from your optometrist. Each lens is made by a highly experienced optical lab. Each lens is customised to your personal script.
IMPORTANT! We need to have the PD Measurement on your script for Bifocal lenses.
About Bifocal lenses
Prescription Dive makes these very popular lenses using a 35mm wide bifocal segment. The bifocal features minimal image jump at the bifocal distance script interface.
The lenses are laminated into the mask with the bifocal segment positioned to minimise image jump.
Bifocal lenses give the diver optimum near and distance correction for all diving activities and are highly recommended by Prescription Dive.
The bifocals lenses are made of crown glass and exhibit maximum abrasion resistance. Premium lens material is unavailable for this lens type at the current time.
D35 Bifocal Script Range:
+7.00 D sphere (sph) max -4.00 cylinder (cyl) on + script
-10.00 D (max sphere (sph) and cylinder (cyl) combined)
(No Hi-Index (1.8) option available)